Vitamin D: Why Is It Needed For Your Bones & Overall Health?

Want to know everything about vitamin D, its sources, supplements and more? Here is all that you must know for your overall health.
Vitamin D: Why Is It Needed For Your Bones & Overall Health?
All vitamins are important for your body’s overall well-being. However, the importance of vitamin D increases in winter because of the limited availability of the biggest natural source of vitamin D. Since it is not very sunny on most days of extreme winters and people prefer staying indoors to avoid the harsh impact of cold waves, there are high chances of vitamin D deficiency during this season. With plenty of benefits associated with this vitamin, it is important to understand everything about vitamin D in detail before incorporating it into your diet plan in cases of deficiency.
We have listed the benefits of this vitamin for you along with other essential details that you must know about vitamin D to make your bones stronger and work on the overall wellness of your body.

Benefits of vitamin D

  • A better immune system and improved overall health is one of the primary benefits of vitamin D
  • Enhances the mood and can even eliminate depression to a large extent. People who have the initial signs of depression are often advised to spend some time in the sun to get vitamin D in their bodies naturally
  • The right amount of vitamin D in the body supports healthy weight. People who are overweight are often the ones with vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin D helps in calcium absorption by the bones. So, if you want to make your bones stronger, taking calcium supplements will not be sufficient if your body does not have enough vitamin D

Common reasons behind the lack of vitamin D in the body

  • Living in a highly polluted environment and not getting enough sunlight in its best form
  • Excessive use of heavy sunscreen that prevents vitamin D absorption into your skin
  • Spending most of your time indoors and not getting exposed to sunlight
  • Living in a big city with huge buildings where sunrays do not reach the floors closer to the ground

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Some of the early symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you must not ignore and check with your doctor are listed below:-
  • Fatigue, joint pain, body aches and more
  • Extreme bone or muscle pain
  • Stress fracture

Natural sources of vitamin D

You can even gain vitamin D naturally if you are aware of the sources and adjust your routine and diet accordingly. Here are some of the sources that you should consider:-
  • Sunlight
  • Fish and other seafood
  • Egg yolk
  • Milk
  • Yoghurt
  • Orange juice

Some of the best vitamin D supplements that you can easily add to your diet plan

Carbamide Forte Vitamin D3 K2 MK7 Tablets

If you are okay with adding tablets to your diet plan while looking for supplements for your overall health, this pack of vitamin D tablets can be a good option to consider. Since these are vegetarian tablets, they can easily be incorporated into almost all diet plans irrespective of your diet preferences.
Key highlights
  • A combination of vitamin D3 and K2
  • Sourced from LICHEN which is a veg source of vitamin D
  • Supports bone health, the right bone density and immunity
  • Suitable for both adults and kids depending on the dosage suggested by your physician
  • Suitable even for vegan diet plans

User feedback
Most users who bought these were happy with the results they saw with their vitamin D deficiency. It is easy to swallow and does not smell bad so users did not face any difficulty in including this supplement into their diet plan. Many people saw an improvement in their energy levels and did not complain of fatigue or body aches after taking these supplements for a few days.

HealthKart HK Vitals Vitamin D3 Capsules

If you are not very fond of taking tablets as supplements, you can go for these vitamin D3 capsules to meet your body’s requirements easily. Besides being great for your bone health, you can even consume these vitamin d3 capsules for immunity. These capsules are meant for adults and a bottle contains 60 capsules.
Key highlights
  • Great for bone health
  • Can even help you enhance your immunity
  • Regular consumption can even improve your muscle strength and reduce muscle pain to a great extent
  • One capsule to be consumed daily for the best results based on the instructions from your wellness expert
  • Pack of 60 capsules
  • Meant for adults

User feedback
While checking the user feedback on these capsules, most users pointed out that the packaging was great and the capsules were stored safely without any exposure to moisture. These capsules are the perfect value for your money and make your muscles and bones stronger with a visible difference in your body in a couple of weeks. Since these capsules are easy to swallow, adding them to your diet plan will not be a tough task for you.

NutriBears Vitamin D Gummies

When you are looking for supplements for kids, you cannot go for heavy tablets or capsules that have a strong dosage and are difficult to swallow for kids. That is when delicious chewable gummies help you out. This pack of vitamin D3 gummies has been designed for kids to meet their deficiencies in a delicious way. Since these gummies can even be consumed by kids, they are suitable for the needs of your entire family.
Key highlights
  • Supports stronger bones in the growing years of kids
  • Delicious and can be consumed easily by kids
  • Besides kids, these gummies can even be consumed by teenagers depending on the dosage and instructions by your physician
  • Low in sugar for adults who are on a restricted diet

User feedback
As the packaging suggests, most users found these gummies suitable for kids and adults. Since the flavour is delicious, even the younger or the elder members of the family did not complain much while adding these supplements to their diet plan. Some users even said they saw a visible improvement in their child’s overall health within a few weeks of consuming these gummies.

Vitamin D: FAQs

Does sunshine really help in giving vitamin D to your body?
Since sunshine is the biggest source of vitamin D, you should step out in the sun for some time every day to overcome your deficiency naturally. However, avoid using heavy sunscreens throughout your exposed skin to ensure that there is no disruption in the absorption of vitamin D.
Are vitamin D supplements good?
Vitamin D supplements are great to get your vitamin D levels right in cases when you are diagnosed with a deficiency. However, if your levels are not critical, you can go for natural sources of vitamin D depending on the instructions of your physician.
What are the forms in which you can get vitamin D supplements?
You can easily get vitamin D in the form of tablets, capsules or gummies allowing you to easily consume as per your preferences.
DISCLAIMER: The Times of India's journalists were not involved in the production of this article. The product prices mentioned in the article are subject to change with offers given by Amazon.
About the Author
Aarohy Kapoor

Aarohy is a copywriting and lifestyle journalist and has written compelling product reviews on products from tech, sports, health, food, pets and more. With a keen eye for detail, she understands the features of various products across categories which helps her write authentic reviews and detailed explanations for users to make the right buying decision. Her analytical skills help her compare multiple products and pick the best for her readers. A former book author, she pioneered the art of writing sales and deals content. She is a Yoga enthusiast and a hard-core animal lover.

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