Winter Face Moisturisers You Must Use This Season

Discover winter face moisturizers with hydrating ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Shea Butter, and antioxidants. Choose SPF-based products to protect your skin from the cold and snow and keep your skin healthy and protected.
Winter Face Moisturisers You Must Use This Season
With crisp air and cold winds, our skin needs extra care to stay hydrated during the winter months. The colder temperatures leave our skin feeling dry, tight and in need of hydration. A good winter face moisturizer is your best ally to protect your skin from the harsh winter elements. Whether you’re dealing with biting winds, snow flurries or just a drop in temperature, it’s important to add moisturizers to your routine to lock in hydration and tackle the unique challenges of winter weather.
Whether you’re looking for soothing dry patches or want to prevent flakiness, a good moisturizer can make all the difference in keeping your skin healthy and glowing. We’ve put together a curated list of the best winter face moisturizers to help you stay hydrated and radiant throughout the colder months. Find the perfect winter companion to keep your face bright and glowing.
Understanding Winter Skin Needs
Winter is a harsh time for our skin. The cold temperatures and low humidity can strip your skin of its natural hydration and leave you with dry, flaky, and uncomfortable skin. To fight winter skin issues, it’s important to keep your skincare routine hydrated. Choose richer moisturizers with hyaluronic acids, ceramides, and shea butter for extra nourishment. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and allow moisturizers to better penetrate your skin. Don’t forget your sunscreen because UV rays are always present. Understand and address these winter skin needs so you can keep your skin healthy and glowing.
Factors To Consider Before Buying:
  • The needs of different skin types differ. Choose a moisturizer that is designed to cater to your particular skin type by taking into account factors like oily, dry, combination, or sensitive skin.
  • Seek moisturizers that contain nourishing and deeply hydrating ingredients. Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, and shea butter are examples of ingredients that help the skin hold onto moisture.
  • Think about the moisturizer's texture. In the winter, creamier and thicker formulas work better to seal in moisture and stop the skin from losing water.
  • Choose moisturizers with occlusives, emollients, and humectants. Emollients smooth the skin, occlusives create a barrier to keep moisture in, and humectants draw moisture to the skin.
  • It is advisable to choose fragrance-free or hypoallergenic products, particularly for people with sensitive skin. Sometimes, fragrances irritate the skin, and this can be especially true in the winter when the skin is more prone to dryness.
  • Take into consideration using a moisturizer with integrated sun protection (SPF) if you plan to spend time outside. Using sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays is essential all year round, even in the winter.
  • Seek moisturizers that contain antioxidants like vitamin C or anti-aging ingredients like retinol, as these can help fight against winter-related signs of aging.
  • Look through the ingredient list to see if anything seems off. Products with ingredients your skin might be sensitive to should be avoided, particularly if you have a history of allergies.
  • To avoid clogged pores and breakouts, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer if you have oily or acne-prone skin.
  • Consult a dermatologist for recommendations if you have particular skin conditions or concerns. They can offer tailored guidance according to the particular requirements of your skin.
  • Your decision may be influenced by the local climate. You might need a more emollient moisturizer in very cold and dry climates, and a lighter formula in milder climates.

Key Components of Effective Winter Face Moisturizers
Winter face moisturizers are packed with key ingredients that keep your skin hydrated and protected from the harsh winter weather. Here are the main ingredients to look out for:
Hyaluronic acid: This powerful ingredient attracts moisture to your skin and keeps it plump.
Glycerin: Another powerful component that keeps your skin hydrated.
Emollients and Occlusives: Shea butter, Jojoba oil, or Mango seed butter work as emollients to seal in moisture and ceramides are essential for maintaining your skin barrier.
Antioxidants: Vitamins C and E provide antioxidant protection and protect your skin from environmental damage.
Non-commodity Formulation: This ensures your moisturizer does not clog pores, so your skin can breathe easily.
SPF Protection: Even in winter, exposure to UV rays can damage your skin, so opt for a moisturizer with SPF protection.
Our Top Picks
Winter Face Moisturizers

Rating as per Amazon

Approx. Price

POND'S Super Light Gel Oil-free Moisturizer


Rs. 100

NIVEA Soft Light Moisturizer


Rs. 105

Re’equil Ceramide & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturiser


Rs. 295

Lakme Peach Milk Soft Creme Face Moisturizer


Rs. 168

Minimalist 10% Vitamin B5 Gel Face Moisturizer
4.1/5Rs. 331
Himalaya Herbals Winter Defense Moisturizing Cream4.1/5Rs. 140

POND'S Super Light Gel, Oil-free Moisturizer

POND’s Super Light Gel is an oil-free moisturizer that’s perfect for those looking for a lightweight solution, especially for those with oily skin. POND’s super light gel is a 50ml moisturizer that comes in a gel-based formula. It’s designed for ultra-light and non-oil applications, so it’s great for any skin type. This super lightweight moisturizer is perfect for those who have oily skin and are looking for something that’s super versatile. POND’S super light gel is an innovative moisturizer that keeps your skin soft, smooth and moisturized 24 hours a day. Ponds Super Light Gel is a powerful combination of hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E that’s rich in nourishment and deep care, protecting your skin and rejuvenating your skin.
User Review: A customer found it ‘Extremely Hydrating’. She said the gel has a very pleasant smell, has a very non-oily base and has a very soft texture. It creates a protective layer and washes off with plain water. Her skin has been glowing since then and is free from any blemishes or pimples.

NIVEA Soft Light Moisturizer

NIVEA Soft Light Moisturizer is a 50ml cream rich in vitamin E and Jojoba oil that provides instant hydration for your face, hands, and body. This non-greasy moisturizer is perfect for daily use and gives you a soft and refreshing skin feel. With its light texture, quick absorption and intensive moisturization, it is suitable for all seasons and gives you a refreshing feel when you apply it. This cream spreads smoothly over large areas and is suitable for day and night use. The combination of Jojoba oil and vitamin E nourishes your skin and gives you a long-lasting and well-care-for feeling without feeling greasy. NIVEA Soft is dermatologically tested and approved for quality skincare for all.
User Review: A user said they really loved it. It’s moisturizing and non-greasy. It leaves the skin soft and well moisturized.

Re’equil Ceramide & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturise

A 100g moisturizer for the face and the whole body, Re'equil ceramide & hyaluronic acid moisturizer is a unique combination of skin-loving ingredients for the normal to dry skin type. The moisturizer has a lovely Mango scent and is enriched with Ceramide, Hyaluronic acid, mango Seed, Jojoba, and Borage oil. The Mango Seed Butter is known for its emollient properties and improves the skin texture, which makes it soft and supple. The non-comedogenic composition allows the skin to breathe and prevents pores from clogging. This moisturizer works hard to repair and hydrate your skin, and its unique formulation strengthens your skin barrier function to prevent essential moisture loss.
User Review: A user said this moisturizer solved their problem from the first use itself. They’re using this twice a day during the colder months. They also love the mild floral fragrance. It is long-lasting and gets absorbed nicely. They have not felt any irritation as such, the ingredients are soothing. If you have dry skin, definitely go for it.

Lakme Peach Milk Soft Creme Face Moisturizer

Lakme Peach Milk Soft Cream face moisturizer is one of the best face moisturizers. This 100g moisturizer is a fusion of peach and milk and provides a lightweight whipped cream texture. The peach milk blend provides deep nourishment and hydrates your skin to result in a soft and radiant complexion. This moisturizer has a soothing fragrance that enhances the user experience and is carefully formulated so that it does not irritate your skin. It is easy to absorb and provides a non-oily and non-greasy feel. The moisturizer is enriched with Vitamin E and provides intense nourishment for winter. It is designed for all skin types with consistent everyday use.
User Review: Users found this face moisturizer soft and the skin. They say that it doesn’t leave behind any greasy residue. Also, it keeps the skin hydrated throughout the day.

Minimalist 10% Vitamin B5 Gel Face Moisturizer

The 10% Vitamin B5 Gel Face Moisturizer from Minimalist offers the ideal balance of hydration and nourishment. This oil-free winter cream, made especially for oily and acne-prone skin, is revolutionary. Its light and quickly absorbing formula offers intense moisturization without feeling gummy. Vitamin B5 enrichment gives your skin vitality and nourishment, leaving it balanced and renewed. This fragrance-free moisturizer is a wintertime must-have for both men and women. Treat your skin to the benefits of vitamin B5, which will guarantee a hydrating, non-greasy feel throughout the winter.
User Review: For my oily and prone-to-acne skin, Minimalist's Vitamin B5 Gel Face Moisturizer is a wintertime lifesaver. The miracle of the oil-free formula is how quickly it absorbs and leaves no stickiness behind. I adore how incredibly light it feels despite offering intense hydration. It's ideal for both genders and has the major benefit of not having any scent.

Himalaya Herbals Winter Defense Moisturizing Cream

Himalaya Herbals Winter Defense Moisturizing Cream will help you embrace the winter season. This cream, specially designed to protect your skin from the harsh winter weather, is a soothing barrier. Fortified with organic components, it offers deep moisture, avoiding flakiness and dryness. Quick absorption is ensured by the non-greasy formula, leaving your skin feeling supple and soft. Wheat germ, jojoba, and almond oils are included in this nourishing blend to support the health and brightness of the skin. With this moisturizing cream as your go-to partner for a restorative and protective skincare routine, bid adieu to winter's woes. Savor the bounty of the natural world while maintaining gorgeously hydrated skin throughout the winter.
User Review: My favorite wintertime companion is Himalaya Herbals Winter Defense Moisturizing Cream. This cream is invaluable in combating the severe dryness of winter. My skin feels so soft and shielded from the elements, and it is incredibly nourishing without being greasy. The natural components, which include almond, jojoba, and wheat germ oils, are incredibly effective at providing intense hydration.
Winter Face Moisturisers: FAQs
Do I need a different face moisturizer in the winter?
Yes, the colder weather means you need a richer moisturizer to fight dryness and keep your skin hydrated. Look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acids and shea butter in your moisturizer.
Can I wear the same moisturizer at night or day?
Some moisturizers can be used day and night, but if you want to stay hydrated during the colder months. Try using a thicker and more nourishing moisturizer at night.
Do I still need sunscreen in winter?
Yes. UV rays penetrate clouds and can cause skin damage. Make sure your moisturizer has SPF or use a separate sunscreen before going out, even in the winter.
About the Author
Dimple Sharma

Dimple is a Content Consultant at TOI writing thoroughly researched Lifestyle articles with expertise in beauty, fashion, and gadgets. Apart from these categories, she also writes for home decor, electronics, jewellery, and health. She inscribes quality content that matches her reader's interests and aims. She blends her passion for writing to inspire readers to make informed decisions by carefully curating the finest products for them. She graduated from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication with a degree in English Journalism. She can be found doing trials with cooking or immersing herself in suspense thriller shows when not writing.

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